Beam Bloggers Webring

If you have a blog that regularly covers Elixir, Erlang, the BEAM or any related topics do join the webring by sending us a PR. If you want to follow our intrepid bloggers and discover new ones as they join you can subscribe to our RSS feed which aggregates all of the below sites that offer RSS. You can always enjoy a random blog.

Latest from the feeds

Josef Strzibny

Josef is a full-stack software engineer interested in all things Elixir, Ruby, and Linux.

Sayan Chakraborty

Sayan is a Senior Software Engineer and incoming Brown University graduate student in CS. He loves writing about Elixir/Erlang, distributed systems and engineering experiences.


Creator of the Beam Blogger Webring. Elixir consultant with too much enthusiasm.

Mitchell Hanberg

Mitch is a full stack software engineer, focusing on building maintainable systems with Elixir.

Angelika Tyborska

Angelika is a web developer based in Berlin, Germany. She blogs about Elixir and web development, maintains the Elixir track on, and makes silly things with CSS.

Aleksei Matiushkin

Born on October 0th. More functional than object-oriented. Maintainer of (

Claudio Ortolina

Claudio is a software engineer and speaker, blogging about Elixir/OTP and other things.

Trevor Brown

Software engineer building things with Erlang, Elixir, Ruby, Lua, and JavaScript.

Łukasz Jan Niemier

I have written some stuff in Elixir and Erlang. I also try to write about BEAM from time to time.

Mohammad Maqbool Alam

Maqbool is a Software Developer 👨🏽‍💻 Interested in Distributed systems, Kubernetes, Functional programming, elixirlang, elmlang, Haskell, and OSS.

Binary Noggin

Binary Noggin is a group of software engineers and architects who act as an extensionof your team, helping you succeed by developing tailored, flexible solutions in Elixir, Ruby and more.

Timmo Verlaan

Timmo Verlaan is a lead and software engineer based in Amsterdam. He enjoys Elixir a lot and talks/blogs about it.

Maarten van Vliet

Maarten van Vliet is a software engineer specializing in backend development. Builds digital products with Elixir, TypeScript and Ruby.

Christian Blavier

Currently VP Technology at PhenixDigital, I’m a passionate Elixir, Ruby & JS programmer. Former founder and CTO at,

Alex Koutmos

Alex is a Senior Software Engineer who writes backends in Elixir, frontends in VueJS and deploys his apps using Kubernetes. He is also a panelist on the Elixir Mix podcast ( and maintains several Open Source packages on Hex (

Chris Keathley

Chris Keathley is a software engineer building systems with Elixir and Erlang. He writes about software design, open source, and cool Elixir ideas.

Patryk Bak

A software developer specializing in backend development. Builds digital products, which scale a business and facilitate people’s lives, with Elixir.

Sophie DeBenedetto

Sophie is engineer currently writing code for GitHub, as well as a maintainer of Elixir School and a host of the Elixir Mix podcast View her cute dog

Steven Nunez

Elixir code slinger at Flatiron School engineering. Poisoning the minds of the youth with functional programming.

Patrick Thompson

Indie developer and founder at Inkstone Software. Writes occasionally on the PETAL stack, which is comprised of Phoenix, Elixir, Tailwind CSS, AlpineJS, and LiveView.

Aru Sahni

Aru is a DC-area developer (and Vim-thusiast) who enjoys playing on all parts of the stack. He has recently picked up Elixir, and is blogging about his experiences.

Erlang/OTP technical blog

The official blog of the Erlang/OTP team at Ericsson.